17 Dec Antoniya Gulston, JumpSTART Graduate

“I gained lots of confidence and sharing a space with like-minded entrepreneurs also enhanced my networking capabilities. JumpStart is a life-changing program with positive trickle-down effects for young entrepreneurs.”
Antoniya Gulston always had a passion and thirst to contribute to the hospitality industry; she was officially trained at the Trinidad and Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute. She describes her stint at the TTHTI as extremely rewarding as she was able to establish connections with business partners who are able to assist in her navigation as a young entrepreneur. Trading as Johanna’s Hospitality and Event Planning Services, Antoniya provides an array of services ranging from catering and event co-ordination to the provision of service ambassadors as well as online and offline menu consultations.
Describing her pre-JumpStart experience..”I was all over the place with different ideas circling in my head and no clear focus; wanting to do a lot but fearful and nervous.” Thankfully my fears dissipated with the fantastic learnings offered by the JumpStart program. “I gained lots of confidence and sharing a space with like-minded entrepreneurs also enhanced my networking capabilities. JumpStart is a life-changing program with positive trickle-down effects for young entrepreneurs.” Antoniya boasts of operating a full-time business which started as a hobby three (3) years ago supported by a business partner and continuously growing. Antoniya’s entrepreneurial prowess sees her diversifying her business within the next two (2) years.

See stories like this and more in YBTT’s Annual Report.