Author: YBTT Admin

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The Business Growth Online Workshop Series is designed for entrepreneurs in the growth stage. It consists of three workshops focusing on building an international brand, digitalizing businesses for growth, and navigating the complexities of exporting for the first time. Each session features insights from experienced...

JS24C1 Programme Overview and Structure​ "Participants embarked on a journey of self-discovery, empathized with customers, and integrated ESG principles into their Business Model Canvas."In this Cohort, the JumpSTART Incubator Programme welcomed 29 participants, delivering sessions online via Zoom Meetings, making it accessible and convenient across our...

Trust is the backbone of any successful mentoring relationship, especially in volunteer business mentorship. For young entrepreneurs, having a trustworthy mentor can be a game-changer. At YBTT, we emphasize the importance of building trust between mentors and mentees to foster meaningful and impactful mentoring experiences....

The Personal Stocktaking Profile isn’t just a checklist; it’s a deep dive into what makes you tick as an entrepreneur. This is one of the first tools developed by entrepreneurs within the JumpSTART Incubator and is based on the theory of effectuation. It's designed to...

In 2023, YBTT embarked on a transformative journey, guided by a bold purpose: "Building a sustainable future through entrepreneurship." This isn't just a tagline; it's our unwavering commitment to empowering entrepreneurs and nurturing businesses that fuel innovation, economic prosperity, and social progress. Our ambitious goals Drive Economic...

YBTT's story in 2023 is one of fostering a brighter future through sustainable entrepreneurship. Propelling entrepreneurs to embrace circular economy principles, integrate social responsibility, and make a positive impact on our communities and the planet. Waste Management Accelerator Our Waste Management Accelerator, in collaboration with Circulate Capital and...

On a mission to spark the entrepreneurial flame in young minds YBTT is on a mission to spark the entrepreneurial flame in young minds, not just within our core 18-35 target group, but even earlier, amongst secondary school students. We believe every dream deserves a chance...

YBTT's JumpSTART programme is your springboard to business dreams. Fueled by Effectuation, Design Thinking, and the Business Model Canvas, JumpSTART equips you to transform ideas into thriving ventures.The programme offered a comprehensive package of:Practical Training: Gain valuable skills through interactive workshops covering marketing, finance, and...

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, aspiring and established business owners in Trinidad and Tobago encounter a myriad of challenges. At Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago, we believe in empowering entrepreneurs by addressing these obstacles head-on. Through our interactions with the entrepreneurial community in 2023,... SPARKING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT AT A YOUNG AGE Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) and Atlantic LNG have joined forces to launch the Atlantic Youth Entrepreneurship Programme. The initiative aims to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit in 250 secondary school students in the Point Fortin and Environs...