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Press Release Caribbean alliance eyes new era for youth entrepreneurship   02 July 2015 – Young people hoping to transform their business ideas into successful enterprises are set to benefit from the creation of a new Commonwealth alliance to promote youth entrepreneurship across the Caribbean and Americas. The Commonwealth...

Youth Business Trinidad & Tobago (YBTT) Carving out his dream From a qualified primary schoolteacher to the owner of a successful wood-working business, 35-year-old Satyan Sagramsingh is a perfect example of a true entrepreneur – an individual who pursues his passion and takes calculated risks. Sagramsingh, another...

ENTREPRENEURIAL PROFILE – BRIAN BENOIT   Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) continues to create and nurture successful young entrepreneurs who can now tell their story to motivate their young counterparts. One success story to be told is that of 21 year old Brian Benoit who is...

ENTREPRENEURIAL PROFILE – LA TOYA BURGESS “YBTT has helped me tremendously in becoming a young successful entrepreneur. The company’s training and mentorship programmes are excellent” so said La Toya Burgess,  who is also heartened by YBTT’s “After-Care” support for entrepreneurs. According to Burgess, “your entrepreneurial success...

Entrepreneurial Profile – Joshua Mangroo Invest with caution   “I am a young Caribbean entrepreneur who is fascinated with telling visual stories.” This was the beginning of my conversation with 27- year-old Joshua Mangroo, who was proudly supported by Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) when he started...

YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS GAIN INSIGHT INTO NIB BENEFITS!   Recognizing the importance of  the role of the National Insurance Board  to both employers and employees, Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) recently invited the NIB to conduct an educational workshop for its entrepreneurs. Participants were exposed to specific...

ENTREPRENEURIAL PROFILE – ANDREW JULIEN For the past fifteen (15) years, Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) has been providing holistic support to young persons within the age group 18-35 years, who are interested in starting their own businesses. The suite of services offered include Training,...

For Immediate Release               JANUARY 20, 2015   YOUTH BUSINESS TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO REPRESENTED AT CARIBBEAN REGIONAL MENTORING WORKSHOP Port-of-Spain, January 20, 2015 – Eight representatives from seven Caribbean countries participated in an advanced ‘train the trainer’ mentoring workshop, as part of an international development programme in the...

Youth entrepreneurship organisations from thirteen Commonwealth countries across the Caribbean and including Canada have agreed to form a regional alliance of young entrepreneurs. The group will be called the Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs-Caribbean & Canada (CAYE-C&C). The Alliance will be modelled on the Commonwealth Asia...

[gallery ids="382,383,384"] Blue Earth recycling Technology goal is to create a conscious awareness about the environment through the form of a eco-friendly revolution. The revolution is getting people to to sort there trash ,its going to start with children beginning in schools.then expand to the private and public sectors