Author: YBTT Admin

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  Today is “International Volunteer Day” and Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) joins with the rest of world in saluting persons who volunteer their time and effort towards global development at varying levels. Volunteerism in its purest sense is giving of one’s time and energy...

[caption id="attachment_1435" align="alignleft" width="198"] Gregory Sloane-Seale[/caption] He wears many hats, but interestingly, each of those is related to his vested interest in guiding and supporting the development of youths at varying levels! Gregory Sloane-Seale currently heads the Citizen Security Programme, an initiative of the Ministry of...

Many would agree, that the gateway  of success to the start of one’s entrepreneurial journey, is the development of  a solid and sustainable Cash Flow statement which paints the financial picture of a business for a specific time period.  Through his work with entrepreneurs, Roger...

JUST ONE minute into my conversation with performance management consultant, training facilitator and Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago YBTT mentor, Pearl Yatali Gonzales, was sufficient evidence of her passion to empower and support young people, particularly entrepreneurs. Briefly describing her personality, she stated: “I believe that...

Reviving family's wood working business There is indeed a growing interest in the wood working industry by young entrepreneurs who have decided to become more exploratory and creative. [caption id="attachment_998" align="alignright" width="276"] YBTT Supported Entrepreneur, Adrian Niamath[/caption] One such entrepreneur is Adrian Niamath, who, through his determination to make...

THE CONCEPT of strategic alliances has always played a pivotal role in not only supporting but also strengthening female entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurship formed a major part of the conversation of GEW efforts globally, and Trinidad and Tobago was also part of that experience. A cross-section of...

BG Trinidad and Tobago (Platinum Sponsor of GEW 2015), through its operational diversity, has proven its corporate worth beyond the global LNG business. The evidence of this is profound according to the founding tenets of its Social Performance Policy. “At BG Group, we have fifteen...

[caption id="attachment_960" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mr. Shedron Collins, General Manager, Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago[/caption]   Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) is an accredited member of Youth Business International (YBI), an international network of youth business programmes. YBTT, with the support of the business community, helps young...

Global Entrepreneurship Week is noted for showcasing the creativity and ingenuity of both GEW partners and  stakeholders, but more particularly, it demonstrates the enormous potential that resides within young people desirous of owning businesses. YoPro, a global non-governmental organization whose interest is targeted towards developing...

The success of entrepreneurship lies at the core of ensuring that all the dots are connected so that both existing and future entrepreneurs would be able to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape successfully. During our interactions with entrepreneurs, we have found that many of them are...