Disruption of supply chains, closure of businesses, cancellations of renowned events and social distancing are just some of the major upheavals that have marred business activity globally; being your brothers’ keeper philosophy seems to be the most viable option for surviving this crisis. In spite of it all, efforts are being made at multiple levels to maintain relevance particularly in relation to the entrepreneurial community who in most cases, are hardest hit.

Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago is committed to ensuring that its various publics are served with minimal disruption; high levels of creativity and innovation would be infused in each and every activity as our intention is to remain relevant and sustainable. Social distancing has forced our team to increase connectivity with our young entrepreneurs as their needs have been amplified through calls for continuous streams of knowledge and current updates with the potential to salvage their businesses.

Though operating remotely, our team has been engaged in the daily exploration of creating a broad suite of online products and services directed towards the strongest commitment to our stakeholders including our faithful donors who have laboured with us over the years, as well as our young entrepreneurs. We have already begun the process of soliciting first-hand information from our entrepreneurs on their current needs given the impact of Covid-19, as their feedback would inform the way forward in terms of additional and/or customized support.

Maintaining a sustainable online presence is at the forefront of YBTT’s agenda as this would be the main portal of disseminating information on upcoming activities including Webinars, Mentor Meet-Ups, Ecosystem Engagement and much more.

Before, during and post-Covid-19, YBTT is destined to be the shining light of opportunity and sustainability in the life of each and every young entrepreneur in Trinidad and Tobago!

Stay tuned to our social media platforms to get the latest news!