Press Releases

“The learnings offered by JumpStart made me think harder and become more progressive in the way I transact business; I feel more assured of myself and would recommend this program to all young entrepreneurs.” Trading as Nutech Electronics established just over eighteen (18) months, Stephen...

“Without Jonathan I cannot survive as I depend on his support heavily; because of his   flexibility, he can assist with deliveries and the same obtains when he is busy with repairs, I assist with the purchase of automotive parts and also work late nights.” This...

Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago joins the rest of the global entrepreneurial community in celebrating World Entrepreneurs Day! Embedded in its thrust of creating awareness for entrepreneurship on a global scale, WED is yet another major platform that reminds us of the critical role of the entrepreneurial eco-system in re-energizing...

Failure is indeed part of becoming successful and instead of focusing on the negative aspect of it, pull out the important lessons that can push you up the entrepreneurial ladder!...

Success is always a tipping point for young entrepreneurs; it’s that one word that defines the storyline of your business and therefore all attitude attributes and the overall management of your business must breathe success. Get into the right mindset by having a passion for... A recap of 2018 GEWTT Media Launch Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) has been holding the reigns as the Local Host of Global Entrepreneurship Week for the past eight (8) years; during this time, the organization has and continues to galvanize support from Trinidad and Tobago’s diverse range...

Thank you for your participation in our short study. The aim of this study is for Youth Business Trinidad & Tobago to better understand how Trinidad & Tobago’s entrepreneurs are using digital technologies, to help us evolve the services we provide to you in the...

"If cash is the lifeblood of a business, then SME are the lifeblood of most economies. These are the creative spaces in which innovation, new technologies, sustainable solutions and development are nurtured."     Good Morning! And thank you all for being here as we launch GEW 2017.   The...

"The Government is reforming the enabling environment to facilitate entrepreneurship and innovation, and also investing in new economic infrastructure for innovators. "   Feature Address: Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry   It is a pleasure to join you this morning for the launch of Global Entrepreneurship...

  Today is “International Volunteer Day” and Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) joins with the rest of world in saluting persons who volunteer their time and effort towards global development at varying levels. Volunteerism in its purest sense is giving of one’s time and energy...